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The Consequences

A femicide is defined as the murder or disappearance of a woman because of her gender or out of hatred, contempt, pleasure, or possession.

Every sixty hours, a woman is killed in Italy. The number of murders is decreasing, but ‘femicide’, the killing of women by their partners, ex-partners, or other family members, is on the rise. The majority of the time, crimes are committed by spouses, boyfriends, or ex-partners.

When a woman is killed by a man, not only is her life destroyed, but her entire family is affected as well. There are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and children who have to deal with the consequences. Their lives have been destroyed, memories are kept alive by pictures, and children need to be lifted and comforted, alongside legal expenses and court humiliation. Family members have to deal with media that questions victims’ behavior, not the killer’s.

There are an increasing number of families waging daily battles, often unseen to the outside world. Some write books, start petitions, collect funds for awareness-raising campaigns, or engage in online activism. It is their aim to make society understand that what they went through has precise cultural and social roots because there is still a widespread culture of ownership and dominance of women by men.

Through intimate portraits, photos, objects, places, and the look of someone who lives on after femicide and refuses to give in to gender-based violence, The Consequences depicts a community of families spread throughout Italy who refuse to give up. As we look through their eyes, we can see their love for the women who were killed.

The Consequences is a photo exhibition traveling throughout Italy. Also, the exhibition was set up in Switzerland and Luxembourg.

Here is the link to the photo exhibition catalogue: